Tips To Choose Serviced Office And Coworking Space

As the concept of “sharing economy” has become more acceptable in our everyday life, we will see many more companies, particularly the small to medium sized companies, moving from conventional (traditional) office to Serviced Office or Coworking Space. Increase in the remote workforce also means less need for sizeable office. It is not surprising to see Serviced Office and Coworking Space industry flourishing in major cities in Indonesia with domestic and international players.

Below are some of the most important criteria to be considered in your evaluation process given the available choices:

1. Location, location, location
- Make sure the location is within permitted business zone. Two of the most favorite Jakarta CBD locations are Jl. Sudirman (Central Jakarta CBD) and Jl. Simatupang (South Jakarta CBD)
- Surrounding and in-building amenities (banking, restaurants, coffee shops, hotels & apartments, medical facilities)
- Access to highway, public transportation
- The floor level where the office is located

2. Facilities and amenities
- Your office layout, furniture, ambience (brightness etc)
- Common facilities: meeting room, lounge, reception areas
- High speed internet connection
- Hygiene and safety
- 24 hour access

3. Services
- The reliability of the staff
- The responsiveness of the management in handling issues/complaints

4. Price
- Terms and conditions of the contract
- Other chargeable costs

5. Ownership of the property
- Operator-owned property gives more stability

Chinese people believe in “feng shui” (literally translated as “wind and water”) in determining their dwellings and offices. They believe the right “feng shui” allows them to live in harmony with the universe, earth and humanity. Although the evaluation process we suggest above is not exactly what the “feng shui” refers to, the objective is the same.
With its two centers each located at Sahid Sudirman Center, Jl. Sudirman (Central Jakarta CBD) and at 18 Office Park, Jl Simatupang (South Jakarta CBD), Amethyst Executives Suites (“Amethyst”) is one of the leading Serviced Office, Coworking Space and Virtual Office operators that fulfill all the above-mentioned criteria.

The above article is contributed by Amethyst Executive Suites, provider of Serviced Office, Coworking Space and Virtual Office with offices located at Sahid Sudirman Center, Jl. Sudirman (Central Jakarta CBD) and 18 Office Park, Jl. Simatupang (South Jakarta CBD). To find out more about our services and promotional offers, please visit or call +62 896 3694 1711 (Sahid Sudirman Center) or +62 896 3694 1722 (18 Office Park).

Tips Untuk Memilih Serviced Office Dan Coworking Space

Seiring dengan bertambah populernya konsep “ekonomi berbagi”, akan ada lebih banyak lagi perusahaan, terutama perusahaan berskala kecil sampai menengah, yang akan pindah dari kantor tradisional ke Serviced Office ataupun Coworking Space. Bertambahnya pegawai jarak jauh juga berarti berkurangnya minat untuk kantor besar. Tidak heran jika industri Serviced Office dan Coworking Office menjamur di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia, yang pemainnya terdiri dari perusahaan lokal dan internasional.

Dengan begitu banyaknya pilihan yang ada, sebaiknya anda memperhatikan beberapa kriteria penting dalam proses evaluasi anda:

1. Lokasi
- Pastikan lokasi kantor berada dalam zona bisnis. Dua lokasi bisnis di daerah CBD yang paling populer adalah Jl. Sudirman (Jakarta Pusat) dan Jl. Simatupang (Jakarta Selatan)
- Fasilitas dalam dan sekitar gedung kantor dan sekitarnya (bank, restoran, café, hotel dan apartemen, fasilitas medis)
- Akses ke jalan tol, transportasi publik
- Tingkat lantai di mana kantor terletak

2. Fasilitas
- Tata letak kantor, furnitur, suasana
- Fasilitas umum: meeting room, lounge, area resepsionis
- Koneksi internet berkecepatan tinggi
- Kebersihan dan keamanan
- Akses 24 jam

3. Servis
- Staf yang bisa diandalkan
- Manajemen yang responsif dalam menangani problem/keluhan

4. Harga
- Syarat dan ketentuan kontrak
- Biaya lain yang belum termasuk dalam kontrak

5. Kepemilikan properti
- Properti yang dimiliki sendiri (oleh operator) akan lebih stabil

Bangsa Tiongkok mengandalkan “feng shui” (jika diterjemahkan secara harfiah artinya “angin dan air”) sewaktu memilih tempat tinggal maupun kantor. Mereka percaya “feng shui” yang cocok akan membuat mereka hidup secara harmonis dengan alam semesta, bumi dan manusia. Walaupun proses evaluasi yang kami sarankan di atas tidak sama persis dengan “feng shui” namun tujuannya sama.

Amethyst Executives Suites (“Amethyst”) adalah salah satu operator Serviced Office, Coworking Space dan Virtual Office (Kantor Virtual) terkemuka yang memenuhi semua syarat yang tertera di atas. Amethyst memiliki dan mengoperasikan 2 center yang masing-masing terletak di Sahid Sudirman Center, Jl.Sudirman (Central Jakarta CBD) dan di 18 Office Park, Jl. Simatupang (South Jakarta CBD).

Artikel di atas dikontribusikan oleh Amethyst Executive Suites, penyedia Serviced Office, Coworking Space dan Virtual Office dengan kantor yang berlokasi di Sahid Sudirman Center, Jl. Sudirman (CBD Jakarta Pusat) dan 18 Office Park, Jl. Simatupang (CBD Jakarta Selatan). Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang layanan sewa kantor dan penawaran promo kami, silahkan mengunjungi atau telepon +62 896 3694 1711 (Sahid Sudirman Center) atau +62 896 3694 1722 (18 Office Park).

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