Amethyst Executive Suites: Serviced Office @ Jakarta

The growth of serviced office industry in Indonesia in general and in Jakarta in particular, is contributed by the growth of local and foreign investments.
Indonesia, with its population of more than 270 million, is the 4th most populous country in the world, making it a great target market for companies seeking for growth.

More than 50% of Indonesian population or 141 million reside in Java island, and out of this approximately 30 million reside in greater Jakarta area.
For this reason, Jakarta has become the most favored city for companies, both local and foreign, to set up their branches or representative offices.

The process of setting up a branch or a representative office in a metropolitan city like Jakarta can be tedious, especially for foreign companies. Language and cultural barriers, different legal system and business practices as well as complicated licensing procedures can be time consuming. Not to mention the process of selecting office and hiring employees which can drag on. For these reasons, having a one-stop solution will help you in cutting bureaucracy, saving time and energy.

What you can do to save time, money and energy, is to speak directly to a serviced office provider of your choice. By dealing directly with serviced office provider, you are cutting the needs to hire advisor for your business licensing, broker for your office or legal advisor. Instead your serviced office provider will give you a one-stop solution including:

  1. preparing all legal documents (Deed of Establishment, Approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights, Tax Identity Number etc.) required
  2. submitting all documents to BKPM (Investment Coordinating Board) via Online Single Submission to obtain your Single Business Number and Business Permit
  3. providing a prestigious business domicile address
  4. providing a fully serviced, instant and flexible serviced office as your business location

Amethyst Executive Suites (“Amethyst”) is one of the most prominent serviced office providers that you should consider for the following reasons:

  1. Prestigious Location
    Amethyst operates two serviced office centers at most prestigious business districts in Jakarta namely Jl. Jend. Sudirman (Central Jakarta CBD) and Jl. TB Simatupang (South Jakarta CBD).
  2. Complete Amenities
    Amethyst’s serviced office locations gives their tenants easy access to banks, restaurants, cafes, hotels, hospitals, and apartments as well as connection to the toll road that goes directly to Soekarno Hatta Jakarta International Airport.
  3. Excellent In-house Facilities & Up To Date Technology
    All Amethyst’s serviced offices and common areas are fully furnished with contemporary designs and are equipped with high-speed internet connection. Meeting rooms come in different sizes and accommodate up to 30 people. Lounge and pantry are tastefully decorated to provide cozy and friendly ambience.
  4. Professional and Experienced Staff
    Amethyst’s staff, including internal IT support personnel, is experienced and professionally trained.
  5. Strict Hygiene, Safety and Security Measures
    Amethyst’s safety and security measures fulfill the requirements of all the representative offices that have to follow their strict headquarters’ guidelines. Amethyst also implements strict hygiene maintenance inside the serviced offices as well as in the common areas.
  6. Flexible Terms and Conditions
    Amethyst offers a full-range of serviced office (which can accommodate from 1 to 20 persons), coworking space and virtual office so it is easy for tenants to scale up or scale down their workspace according to their needs without having to change their business domicile address. Serviced office contracts are usually much shorter than conventional office contracts hence giving tenants much flexibility they need especially at times of economic uncertainty.

Amethyst Executive Suites provides Serviced Office, Coworking Space and Virtual Office in Jl. Sudirman (Central Jakarta CBD) and Jl. Simatupang (South Jakarta CBD). Our serviced office tenants include startup and growing local companies as well as representatives of established multinational companies. To find out more about our services and promotional offers, please visit or call or whatsapp +62 896 3694 1711 (Sahid Sudirman Center) or +62 896 3694 1722 (18 Office Park).

Serviced Office Di Jakarta: Amethyst Executive Suites

Industri serviced office (kantor siap pakai) di Indonesia, khususnya di ibukota Jakarta, berkembang karena kontribusi dari peningkatan penanaman modal lokal dan asing. Dengan jumlah penduduk sebanyak 270 juta orang, Indonesia merupakan negara dengan penduduk nomor empat terbesar di dunia dan target pasar penting bagi pengusaha untuk mengembangkan usaha.

Lebih dari 50% penduduk Indonesia atau sebanyak 141 juta jiwa tinggal di pulau Jawa, dan dari jumlah tersebut sebanyak 30 juta jiwa tinggal di Jakarta dan sekitarnya (Jabodetabek). Oleh karena itu, Jakarta menjadi kota yang paling diminati pengusaha lokal maupun asing untuk mendirikan kantor perwakilan mereka.

Proses membuka cabang atau kantor perwakilan di kota metropolis seperti Jakarta bisa merepotkan apalagi bagi perusahaan asing. Perbedaan bahasa dan kultur, sistim hukum dan praktek bisnis yang berbeda, serta prosedur izin yang rumit bisa menghabiskan banyak waktu. Belum lagi proses memilih kantor dan mencari karyawan yang bisa berlarut-larut. Dengan banyak alasan ini, cara terbaik adalah mencari solusi one-stop untuk mengurangi birokrasi, waktu dan energi.

Untuk menghemat waktu, uang dan energi, berbicaralah langsung dengan operator serviced office pilihan anda. Dengan langsung berhubungan dengan operator serviced office, anda tidak perlu lagi menggunakan jasa penasehat untuk mengurus izin usaha, perantara untuk mencari kantor ataupun penasehat hukum. Operator serviced office anda akan memberikan solusi one-stop termasuk:

  1. mempersiapkan semua dokumen yang dibutuhkan (Akte Pendirian, Pengesahan dari Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, NPWP dll.)
  2. menyerahkan semua dokumen ke BKPM melalui Online Single Submission untuk mendapatkan NIB (Nomor Induk Berusaha) dan Izin Usaha
  3. menyiapkan surat domisili usaha
  4. menyediakan kantor siap pakai (serviced office) yang sudah bisa langsung ditempati sebagai lokasi usaha

Amethyst Executive Suites merupakan salah satu operator serviced office terkemuka yang patut anda pertimbangkan karena alasan dibawah ini:

  1. Lokasi yang prestisius
    Amethyst mengelola dua center serviced office di wilayah bisnis paling prestisius di Jakarta yakni di Jl. Jend. Sudirman (CBD Jakarta Pusat) dan Jl. TB Simatupang (CBD Jakarta Selatan).
  2. Fasilitas yang lengkap
    Lokasi serviced office Amethyst memberikan kemudahan karena dekat dengan bank, restoran, café, hotel, rumah sakit dan apartemen, serta tersambung langsung ke jalan tol yang langsung menuju Bandara Internasional Soekarno Hatta.
  3. Fasilitas Kantor yang luar biasa dengan Teknologi terkini
    Semua serviced office dan area bersama di Amethyst sudah di-furnish lengkap dengan desain kontemporer dan dilengkapi dengan koneksi internet berkecepatan tinggi. Meeting room tersedia dalam berbagai ukuran dan bisa menampung sampai dengan 30 orang. Lounge dan pantry juga berkesan nyaman dan ramah.
  4. Staf yang profesional dan berpengalaman
    Staf Amethyst, termasuk staf IT, semua berpengalaman, terlatih dan profesional.
  5. Peraturan Higienis, Keamanan dan Sekuritas yang ketat
    Amethyst memenuhi persyaratan ketat yang diminta kantor perwakilan dan harus disetujui oleh induk usaha mereka. Amethyst juga menerapkan peraturan higienis yang ketat di setiap ruangan serviced office maupun di area bersama.
  6. Syarat dan Ketentuan yang Fleksibel
    Amethyst menyediakan berbagai ukuran serviced office (yang bisa menampung 1 sampai 20 orang), coworking space dan kantor virtual sehingga mudah bagi penyewa untuk meningkatkan ataupun mengurangi ruang kantor sesuai kebutuhan tanpa harus merubah alamat domisili usaha. Kontrak serviced office biasanya lebih pendek dari kantor konvensional sehingga penyewa mempunyai fleksibilitas yang dibutuhkan terutama dalam masa ketidak-pastian ekonomi.

Amethyst Executive Suites menyediakan Serviced Office, Coworking Space dan Kantor Virtual di Jl. Sudirman (CBD Jakarta Pusat) dan Jl. Simatupang (CBD Jakarta Selatan). Penyewa Serviced Office kami termasuk perusahaan pemula dan perusahaan lokal yang sedang tumbuh serta perwakilan dari perusahaan multinasional yang sudah mapan. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang layanan sewa kantor dan penawaran promo kami, silahkan mengunjungi atau telepon atau whatsapp +62 896 3694 1711 (Sahid Sudirman Center) atau +62 896 3694 1722 (18 Office Park).

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