Choosing Between Serviced Offices Or Coworking Spaces

When it comes to workspace for small to medium-sized businesses, or representative offices of multinational companies, the serviced offices and coworking spaces have become popular choices.

Compared to conventional office, serviced offices and coworking spaces offer more flexible agreements in terms of length of contract, commencement date etc. Typically, serviced office and coworking spaces provide in-house facilities such as high-speed internet, meeting rooms, lounge and pantry, as well as secretarial and cleaning services so you do not need to hire your own receptionists nor cleaners.

As serviced office and coworking spaces come as readily available, fully furnished, ready to go offices, you practically can move in instantly and get straight down to business without worrying about fitting out or hiring full administrative staff.

Below are some considerations when it comes to choosing between serviced offices and coworking spaces:

While coworking spaces facilitate better networking between its tenants (usually called “members”), it lacks privacy.

Some coworking spaces allow daily rent, while serviced offices require longer contract period (usually 6 months).

Serviced offices are usually more costly compared to coworking space. The premium you pay represents not just the privacy but also the comfort of having your own dedicated workspace.

Although most serviced offices are fully furnished, tenants are usually allowed to bring their own furniture as long as they are kept within their dedicated office. Most providers may allow customized interior so tenants can have their company logo and signage, which coworking space cannot accommodate.

Number of employees
Companies with a bigger number of employees may prefer to house the whole team in a dedicated serviced office to ensure better control and communication instead of having them scattered in coworking spaces.
Founded on the basic of one-stop service solution concept, serviced offices and coworking spaces save you the trouble of having to maintain an independent office with its own facilities. In the era where sharing economy has become a norm, moving to serviced office or coworking space is a more efficient way of using your capital. This is the so called: “The more we share, the more we have.”

Choosing between serviced offices or coworking spaces does not have to be difficult, especially nowadays most providers offer both, so you have the flexibility to switch from one service to another based on your needs. Morever, serviced offices come in different sizes, typically to accommodate one to twenty people or more, allowing you to adjust according to your business expansion or contraction.

The above article is contributed by Amethyst Executive Suites, provider of Serviced Office, Coworking Space and Virtual Office with offices located at Sahid Sudirman Center, Jl. Sudirman (Central Jakarta CBD) and 18 Office Park, Jl. Simatupang (South Jakarta CBD). To find out more about our services and promotional offers, please visit or call +62 896 3694 1711 (Sahid Sudirman Center) or +62 896 3694 1722 (18 Office Park).

Memilih Antara Serviced Office Atau Coworking Space

Serviced office dan coworking space adalah pilihan yang diminati oleh pengusaha kecil dan menengah dan juga kantor perwakilan dari perusahaan multinasional.

Dibandingkan dengan kantor konvensional, serviced office dan coworking space lebih fleksibel terutama dalam hal jangka waktu kontrak, kapan bisa memulai kontrak dan lain sebagainya. Umumnya, serviced office dan coworking space menyediakan fasilitas seperti internet berkecepatan tinggi, meeting room, lounge dan pantry, juga jasa sekretarial dan kebersihan sehingga anda tidak perlu lagi mempekerjakan resepsionis dan pegawai kebersihan.

Serviced office dan coworking space merupakan kantor siap pakai yang sudah dilengkapi penuh, sehingga anda bisa masuk kapan saja dan bisa langsung mulai bekerja tanpa harus menghabiskan waktu untuk fitting out atau mencari karyawan.

Di bawah ini adalah beberapa hal yang bisa anda pertimbangkan sebelum memutuskan untuk memilih antara serviced office atau coworking space.

Walaupun coworking space memudahkan relasi bisnis antara para penyewa (biasanya disebut “anggota”), namun coworking tidak memberikan privasi.

Beberapa coworking spaces membolehkan sewa harian, sedangkan serviced office mengharuskan jangka waktu kontrak yang lebih panjang (biasanya 6 bulan).

Serviced office biasanya lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan coworking space karena privasi dan kenyamanannya.

Walaupun serviced office sudah dilengkapi penuh, penyewa biasanya diperbolehkan untuk membawa furnitur tambahan asalkan diletakkan di dalam kantor mereka sendiri. Kebanyakan operator juga mengizinkan penyewa untuk menyesuaikan interior sendiri sehingga mereka bisa memasang logo dan nama perusahaan.

Jumlah karyawan
Perusahaan dengan jumlah karyawan yang lebih banyak biasanya lebih menyukai tim karyawan untuk bekerja di dalam satu ruang kantor agar komunikasi dan kontrol bisa lebih baik.

Berbasis konsep “one-stop service solution”, dengan menyewa serviced office ataupun coworking space anda tidak perlu menyiapkan kantor independen dengan segala fasilitasnya. Di era ini di mana ekonomi berbagi sudah menjadi norma, pindah ke serviced office dan coworking space merupakan penghematan modal. Inilah yang disebut: ”Makin banyak kita berbagi, makin banyak yang kita miliki”.

Memilih antara serviced office atau coworking spaces seharusnya tidak sulit, apalagi dewasa ini kebanyakan operator menyediakan keduanya, sehingga anda bisa berpindah dari satu ke lainnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Lagipula, serviced offices disediakan dalam banyak ukuran, biasanya untuk satu sampai 20 orang bahkan lebih, sehingga bisa disesuaikan dengan pengembangan atau kontraksi usaha anda.

Artikel di atas dikontribusikan oleh Amethyst Executive Suites, penyedia Serviced Office, Coworking Space dan Virtual Office dengan kantor yang berlokasi di Sahid Sudirman Center, Jl. Sudirman (CBD Jakarta Pusat) dan 18 Office Park, Jl. Simatupang (CBD Jakarta Selatan). Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang layanan sewa kantor dan penawaran promo kami, silahkan mengunjungi atau telepon +62 896 3694 1711 (Sahid Sudirman Center) atau +62 896 3694 1722 (18 Office Park).

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