Why Choose Amethyst Executive Suites

Amethyst Executive Suites (“Amethyst”) provides serviced office, coworking space and virtual office in Central and South CBD Jakarta and is currently one of the most prominent players in this industry. Here are reasons why people choose Amethyst:

Prestigious and Easily Accessible Location
Amethyst Executive Suites operates two centers in Jakarta CBD areas:

  1. Sahid Sudirman Center
    One of the tallest and most iconic office buildings in Jakarta, the 59-storey skyscraper was completed in 2015. Located right at the heart of Jakarta most prominent commercial district Jl. Jend. Sudirman (Central Jakarta CBD), the building is adjacent to Sahid Jaya Hotel, Sahid Sudirman Residence and Sahid Sahirman Memorial Hospital, all within the Sahid complex. Adjacent to Sahid complex is the MidPlaza complex (MidPlaza 1 & 2 office buildings and the 5-star Ayana Hotel) and Cityloft Apartment and Citywalk Shopping Mall.
    Amethyst is located on the 11th floor of but it is easily accessible because the first 9 floors are car parks.
  2. 18 Office Park
    This modern office building is strategically located at Jl.TB Simatupang (South Jakarta CBD), which is connected directly to the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (the toll road that goes directly to Soekarno Hatta Jakarta International Airport). This premium high grade building was completed in 2014 and is adjacent Arkadia Green Park, an office complex with multi towers which house Nestle, BP, Cisco and the like.

Complete Amenities
Both centers provide easy access to banks, restaurants, cafés, marts, hotels, hospitals, apartments and other essential shops which are either located within the office buildings or adjacent to them. All these amenities offer significant convenience to serviced office, coworking space and virtual office clients.

Excellent In-house Facilities
Amethyst’s serviced offices come in different sizes and can accommodate from 1 to 20 persons, some of which include director, staff and meeting rooms within the serviced office.

The furnishings, furniture and ambience inside each of the serviced office and coworking space as well as the common areas are excellent with beautiful paintings on the wall. Moreover, at 18 Office Park, Amethyst is located on the 22nd floor, which provides a beautiful view of the surrounding area with Mount Salak in the background.

Both centers have meeting rooms of different sizes and the largest one can accommodate up to 30 people. Lounge and pantry are accessible any time. The overall ambience is cozy and comfortable.

Professional and Experienced Staff
Amethyst staff is experienced and professionally trained and is always readily available to assist each and every serviced office, coworking space and virtual office clients.

Up To Date Technology
Amethyst uses Dedicated Fiber Optic as its main internet connection supported with Fiber Optic Broadband network as a backup. Each of our clients can access free internet via Wifi connection with the available maximum speed. Serviced Office clients are provided with cable network connection using private LAN (VLAN) and they can also have their own ISP connection of their choice. Amethyst also provides internal IT support personnel who is on stand-by to assist clients.

Strict Hygiene, Safety and Security Measures
Amethyst implements strict hygiene measures including hand sanitizer and periodic disinfectant cleaning. Front desk and cleaning staff are required to wear facial mask and face shield at all times. Common areas are cleaned with disinfectant every four hours.

Fire hydrant and first aid kit as well as CCTV, access card and room keys are available. All areas within both centers (entrance, corridors, pantry, and lobby) are monitored with CCTV cameras with 24/7 continuous recording.

Available Support from Business Partners
Amethyst works with external business partners who can assist clients in handling tax, finance, company establishments and other services.

Flexible Terms and Conditions
Amethyst offers full-range serviced office, coworking space and virtual office at both locations so upgrade (from virtual office to coworking space or to serviced office) can be done at short notice. Amethyst serviced offices come in different sizes that can accommodate between 1 to 20 persons so it is easy for clients to adjust office size according to their needs without having to change business domicile address.

Choosing the right office is an important decision as it will impact almost every aspect of your business, from staff to clients, brand and image, even morale and productivity. Making the wrong choice can cost you clients or business opportunities and affect your ability to attract and retain the right staff. A healthy work environment will benefit your business so take into account all other factors into your office selection process, instead of quickly settle for the cheapest.

Amethyst Executive Suites provides Serviced Office, Coworking Space and Virtual Office in Jl. Sudirman (Central Jakarta CBD) and Jl. Simatupang (South Jakarta CBD). Our serviced office tenants include startup and growing local companies as well as representatives of established multinational companies. To find out more about our services and promotional offers, please visit www.amethystsuites.com or call or whatsapp +62 896 3694 1711 (Sahid Sudirman Center) or +62 896 3694 1722 (18 Office Park).

Mengapa Memilih Amethyst Executive Suites

Amethyst Executive Suites (“Amethyst”) adalah salah satu operator serviced office (kantor siap pakai), coworking space dan kantor virtual terkemuka yang berlokasi di CBD Jakarta. Di bawah ini adalah alasan mengapa klien memilih Amethyst:

Lokasi yang prestisius
Amethyst mengoperasikan dua center di CBD Jakarta:

  1. Sahid Sudirman Center
    Beroperasi sejak tahun 2015, gedung berlantai 59 ini merupakan salah satu gedung yang paling tinggi dan paling ikonik di Jakarta. Terletak di Jl. Jend. Sudirman (CBD Jakarta Pusat), gedung ini bersebelahan dengan Hotel Sahid Jaya, Sahid Sudirman Residence dan Rumah Sakit Sahid Sahirman yang semua berada di dalam komplek Sahid. Di sebelah komplek Sahid terletak komplek MidPlaza (MidPlaza 1 & 2 serta hotel berbintang 5 Ayana) juga Apartemen Cityloft dan Mal Citywalk.
    Amethyst berada di lantai 11 namun mudah diakses karena 9 lantai pertama adalah tempat parkir.
  2. 18 Office Park
    Gedung modern ini berlokasi strategis di Jl. TB Simatupang (Jakarta Selatan CBD) yang terhubung langsung ke Jalan Tol Lingkar Luar (jalan tol menuju airport internasional Soekarno Hatta). Gedung dengan kualitas grade A ini selesai di tahun 2014 dan terletak di sebelah Arkadia Green Park yang merupakan komplek perkantoran dimana Nestle, BP, Cisco dan perusahaan sejenisnya berkantor.
    Amethyst terletak di lantai 22, sehingga anda bisa menikmati pemandangan di sekitar dengan latar belakang Gunung Salak.

Fasilitas pendukung yang lengkap
Ada banyak fasilitas di masing-masing gedung maupun di sekitarnya seperti bank, restoran, café, mart, hotel, rumah sakit, apartement dan toko-toko kebutuhan penting lainnya. Semua fasilitas ini memberikan kemudahan untuk klien serviced office, coworking space dan kantor virtual.

Fasilitas kantor yang bagus
Serviced office di Amethyst memiliki berbagai ukuran yang dapat menampung 1 sampai 20 orang, bahkan ada beberapa yang memiliki ruang direksi, ruang staf dan meeting room di dalam satu serviced office.

Furnishing, furniture dan suasana di dalam dan di luar serviced office dan coworking space serta di area bersama sangat bagus disertai lukisan di setiap ruangan. Kantor Amethyst yang terletak di lantai 22 di 18 Office Park juga menyuguhkan pemandangan sekeliling yang cantik dengan latar belakang Gunung Salak.

Kedua center Amethyst memiliki meeting room dengan berbagai ukuran dan yang terbesar dapat menampung sampai 30 orang. Fasilitas lounge dan pantry dapat digunakan secara cuma-cuma. Suasana keseluruhan kantor sangat nyaman.
Staf yang profesional dan berpengalaman
Staf Amethyst yang sudah berpengalaman dan terlatih selalu siap untuk membantu setiap klien serviced office, coworking space maupun kantor virtual.

Teknologi terkini
Amethyst menggunakan Fiber Optic Dedicated sebagai koneksi internet utama dan didukung koneksi cadangan Fiber Optic Broadband. Setiap klien dapat menggunakan free internet melalui Wifi dengan maximum speed. Klien serviced office bisa memilih koneksi jaringan kabel dengan konfigurasi private LAN (VLAN) serta sambungan khusus langsung dari ISP lain. Amethyst juga menyediakan personel IT internal yang siap membantu klien.

Aturan kebersihan, keselamatan dan keamanan yang ketat
Amethyst menerapkan aturan kebersihan yang ketat termasuk hand sanitizer, dan pembersihan kantor dengan disinfektan secara berkala. Staf front-desk dan kebersihan diwajibkan menggunakan masker wajah dan pelindung wajah. Area bersama dibersihkan dengan disinfektan setiap 4 jam.

Pemadam api dan kotak pertolongan pertama serta CCTV, kartu akses dan kunci juga disediakan. Seluruh area umum (pintu, koridor, pantry, lobbi) terpantau kamera CCTV dan direkam 24/7 hari nonstop.

Adanya support dari Business Partner
Amethyst bekerja sama dengan bisnis partner eksternal yang bisa membantu pengurusan pajak, keuangan, pendirian perusahaan dan layanan lainnya.

Syarat dan Ketentuan yang fleksibel
Amethyst menyediakan pilihan lengkap serviced office, coworking space dan kantor virtual di kedua lokasi sehingga memudahkan upgrade (dari kantor virtual ke coworking space maupun ke serviced office) dengan pemberitahuan singkat. Serviced office di Amethyst memiliki berbagai ukuran yang bisa menampung 1 sampai 20 orang sehingga mudah bagi klien untuk berganti kantor sesuai kebutuhan tanpa harus merubah alamat domisili.

Memilih kantor yang baik adalah keputusan penting karena akan berpengaruh kepada setiap aspek usaha anda, dari karyawan ke klien, merek dan imej, bahkan semangat kerja dan produktifitas. Salah pilih bisa berarti kehilangan klien dan kesempatan, bahkan kesulitan untuk mendapatkan staf yang cocok. Suasana kerja yang sehat akan bermanfaat bagi usaha anda jadi pikirkan semua faktor sewaktu memilih kantor, jangan terburu-buru memilih yang termurah.

Amethyst Executive Suites menyediakan Serviced Office, Coworking Space dan Kantor Virtual di Jl. Sudirman (CBD Jakarta Pusat) dan Jl. Simatupang (CBD Jakarta Selatan). Penyewa Serviced Office kami termasuk perusahaan pemula dan perusahaan lokal yang sedang tumbuh serta perwakilan dari perusahaan multinasional yang sudah mapan. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang layanan sewa kantor dan penawaran promo kami, silahkan mengunjungi www.amethystsuites.com atau telepon atau whatsapp +62 896 3694 1711 (Sahid Sudirman Center) atau +62 896 3694 1722 (18 Office Park).

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