
Guide In Choosing Your First Office

Working from home may not be ideal for everyone especially if you have to meet up with your clients in a proper office setting or if you are developing your brand and building your image as an upcoming entrepreneur running a professionally managed company. At some stage, you will want to upgrade from your home office to a more proper office. In a metropolitan city like Jakarta, choosing your first office can be an exhausting or even confusing experience, mainly because of the choices available. If you are completely new to the experience then the following questions may guide you in your decision process. Why Do You Need An Office A self-employed entrepreneur or a new startup venture may not need fully furnished or fully staffed conventional office. Virtual office and coworking space will be ideal options as they give you a “flexible” office with full in-house facilities such as working desk, meeting rooms, l

Choosing The Perfect Virtual Office For You

The development of technology has opened the door to many possibilities that we could not even imagine a decade or two before. Whether we like it or not, virtual reality has become the new, practical reality that most of us cannot live without. Internet technology, mobile devices, software programs and applications have become daily necessities and in fact survival tools for many especially during coronavirus pandemic where most activities are conducted on virtual platform. Virtual office is one of the products that are made possible by the ever-changing technology. Today, if you prefer to work remotely or your business requires you to be mobile, all you need to do is to have a virtual office that you can use as your business domicile address and enjoy the facilities and services that come with it. The other main benefit of virtual office is its cost efficiency and the convenience it offers compared to other types

Doing Business Creatively With Virtual Office

Working from home is the best alternative during the covid-19 pandemic where we have to maintain physical and social distancing. Today, even though economic activities have resumed in many countries, some people still choose to do their business activities from home. For business owners who prefer to work remotely, virtual office is a good solution to ensure their business continues to run effectively. Amethyst Executive Suites (“Amethyst”) offers virtual office services which give many benefits and conveniences, such as: - Prestigious Address With just Rp450,000 a month, you can rent virtual office that gives you a formal business address at prestigious CBD areas: Jl. Sudirman (Central Jakarta CBD) and Jl. Simatupang (South Jakarta CBD). - Mails and Documents Handling As part of the services included in its virtual office package, Amethyst will handle all mails and documents addressed to your compa

Benefits Of Serviced Office

In a world with ever-growing population and ever-diminishing resources, a sharing economy may be its only way out. Sharing economy gives advantages beyond just its cost savings and convenience but it also has long-term impact on our living environment and resources. Economic growth has led to urbanization resulting in sky rocketing price of property in big cities. Given this background and influenced by the sharing economy movement, serviced office grows exponentially in major cities in the world, including Jakarta. Whether you are an owner of a startup company looking for your first office, or part of a conglomerate multi-national company looking to set up your branch or representative office overseas, you can now have the option to rent a serviced office, which gives you all or even more benefits conventional office provides at a fraction of its cost. Here are some of the benefits serviced office provides t

Finding A Balance Between Safety And Economy

As the pandemic takes its toll, the world economy tumbles and unemployment rises to unprecedented levels. In the United States of America, more than 20 million people are unemployed as of May this year. Likewise, South East Asian economies are also taking a huge hit in the global economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Indonesian National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) predicts additional 4 million people will be unemployed this year, this means more than 10 million people will be unemployed in 2020. The high unemployment rates have increasingly pressured governments around the world to reopen their economies even though with high precaution. Today, most countries have started reopening their economies in phases with various health and safety adjustments, the so-called new normal. In Indonesia, the government has allowed most businesses to reopen in early June although with lower capacity, termed as the “

Guides In Choosing Serviced Office

Serviced office has become an increasingly popular option for business community mainly because of its flexibility and cost efficiency. For this reason, serviced office is widely chosen by startup, small to medium sized companies, or representative office of international / multinational companies. Today in a metropolitan city like Jakarta, you can find many serviced office providers, giving you unlimited choices. As such, the process of selecting serviced office can be overwhelming and time consuming. As it is not practical to visit all serviced offices in Jakarta, below are guidelines to help you in the selection process. Determine your needs and your budget Start the process only after you determine the number of your employees and confirm the availability of your budget. Serviced office contract is usually more flexible than conventional office in terms of contract period and rental payment, nonethele

Why Choose Amethyst Executive Suites

Amethyst Executive Suites (“Amethyst”) provides serviced office, coworking space and virtual office in Central and South CBD Jakarta and is currently one of the most prominent players in this industry. Here are reasons why people choose Amethyst: Prestigious and Easily Accessible Location Amethyst Executive Suites operates two centers in Jakarta CBD areas: Sahid Sudirman Center One of the tallest and most iconic office buildings in Jakarta, the 59-storey skyscraper was completed in 2015. Located right at the heart of Jakarta most prominent commercial district Jl. Jend. Sudirman (Central Jakarta CBD), the building is adjacent to Sahid Jaya Hotel, Sahid Sudirman Residence and Sahid Sahirman Memorial Hospital, all within the Sahid complex. Adjacent to Sahid complex is the MidPlaza complex (MidPlaza 1 & 2 office buildings and the 5-star Ayana Hotel) and Cityloft Apartment and Citywalk Sho